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Agenda 01/22/2009
Notice of Meeting

You are hereby notified that the Salem Conservation Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday January 22, 2009  at 6:00 pm at City Hall Annex, Room 313, 120 Washington Street.

                                                                                               David A. Pabich, P.E.,
                                                                                               Conservation Commission Chairman
Tentative Agenda:

Meeting Minutes— January 8

Continuation of a Public Hearing— Notice of Intent — DEP # 64-481—Shelly Bisegna, North Shore Medical Center, 81 Highland Avenue Salem, MA 01970.  The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the expansion of the existing heliport pad located within the buffer zone to bordering vegetated wetlands at 24 Old Road.

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Request for Determination of Applicability— City of Salem 120 Washington Street, Salem,  MA  01970.  The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the repairs to an existing trail in Salem Woods at 75 Willson Street.

Continuation of a Public Hearing— Notice of Intent— City of Salem 120 Washington Street, Salem,  MA  01970.  The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the repairs and replacement of existing stormdrain pipes behind homes at 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 Orleans Avenue.

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation— DEP # 64-468— Camp Lion of Lynn Mass., Inc. Salem, MA 01970.  The purpose of this hearing is for a determination of a delineated wetland boundary line at 488 and 488 Rear Highland Avenue.  

Old /New Business

·       Update on Greenscapes
·       25 Cloverdale Avenue Update on this project
·       Update on 100 Swampscott Rd Project